These organizations are the beneficiaries of your donations. They use your fur coats to help rehabilitate injured and orphaned animals.

Antler Ridge Wildlife Sanctuary is a 120-acre preserved farm located in Warren County, New Jersey. The wildlife rehabilitation center that provides vital care and treatment to sick, injured or orphaned wildlife.

Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary is a 501(c)(3) organization made up of volunteers in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Their goal is not only to ensure excellent care for the 4000 sick, orphaned, or injured animals they receive annually but also to provide an extensive nature education center supplying stimulating literature and several interactive activities.

The idea for Central Minnesota Wildlife Rehabilitation began in 2008 when a few wildlife rehabilitators recognized the need for a local rehab and nature center. Orphaned and injured native wildlife were cared for in the homes of completely independant, donation supported, permitted, wildlife rehabilitators. As of 2019, they are recognized by the IRS as a charitable non-profit and continue to expand.

City Wildlife was formed in 2008 to establish the first-ever wild animal rescue and rehabilitation center within the District of Columbia, where orphaned, sick, and injured wild animals are treated and returned to the wild. City Wildlife is to assist wildlife in the District of Columbia through rehabilitation, release to the wild, advocacy, and public education.

Claws N' Paws Rehab Center is a 501c Non Profit focused on wildlife: rescuing, raising abandoned/orphaned, rehabbing injured/sick, releasing into wild, recruiting new rehabbers, and referring resources to new rehabbers.

Empty Cages Collective is a New York-based animal and environmental advocacy organization that aims to provide knowledge to the public in order for animals to be recognized as fellow beings worthy of respectful and compassionate treatment. Through advocacy, education, hands-on rescue, and assistance, the ECC envisions a world free of animal exploitation, abuse, and ecologically destructive behavior.

Ferncroft Wildlife Rescue is a 501(c)3 State/Federal licensed facility holding permits in CT, MA, RI. Specially permitted for educational opossums.

Finding the Cure for DM is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization in North Carolina made up of volunteers who in one way or another have been affected by Degenerative Myelopathy (DM), an incurable progressive disease of the canine spinal cord that mimics the symptoms of ALS, and who are passionate about helping to find the Cure.

Florida Wildlife Hospital, located in Palm Shores, is the only facility of its kind in the area, open 365 days and caring for over 5,000 animals each year. Providing quality care and rehabilitation, FWH also focuses on educating the community to reduce impact on local wildlife.

Freedom First Wildlife Rehab Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization.

The Fund for Animals Wildlife Rehabilitation Center works with the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) to provide 24 hour veterinary and rehabilitation care for injured or orphaned wildlife in Ramona, California. They specialize in native predator species such as bobcats, coyotes, and eagles. The center also provides advocacy and has recently started a fund that further helps protect animals in the courts.

G.M. Solberg Wildlife Rescue is a nonprofit corporation created to continue the legacy made by Dr. Solberg to rescue injured and orphaned wildlife.

Heckhaven Wildlife Rehabilitation Center's sole purpose is to release back into the wild, their natural environment, any and all wild born creatures which find themselves in the hands of man.

Kritter Haven Wildlife is a dedicated group of licensed rehabilitators caring for all wildlife and reptiles of Arkansas.

Lake Metro Parks Kevin P. Clinton Wildlife Center has a focus on the rehabilitation of native Ohio wildlife species.

Started in 2008, by founder Deborah Bryan, Lil' Rascal's Wildlife Rehabilitation has treated ill, orphaned, and injured wildlife throughout the Midcoast Maine region with the ultimate goal of release. LRWR admits most native mammals including ground squirrels, tree squirrels, porcupines, raccoons, skunks, weasels, and foxes.

Northwoods Wildlife Center is providing a better future for wildlife through rehabilitation, education, and research.

Oaken Acres does not discriminate; based on the public perception of good and bad animals (i.e. predator vs. prey, pretty vs. ugly). They teach a fundamental truth: that every species has a valuable role in the ecosystem of which we are a part. Oaken Acres accepts any wild animal native to Illinois that it is capable of caring for regardless of species, age, size or difficulty.

Paws For The Cause Feral Cat Rescue is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. The rescue was founded in order to keep feral colonies in southeast Michigan safe, while reducing the feral cat population. The organization also ​lobbies aggressively to establish humane legislation in their local areas.

Persevering for Wildlife is a licensed wildlife rehabber in the State of Connecticut.

Riverside Wildlife Rehabilitation

Second Chance Wildlife Rehabilitation Center is a 501(c)(3) organization in Pueblo and serves all of Southern Colorado. Their goal is to provide a humane home by furnishing a quality facility where the public may bring injured or orphaned wildlife for care and to be released back into their natural habitats. They also offer a variety of education programs aiming to help others gain respect for all life and spreading knowledge of their cause.

South Plains Wildlife Rehabilitation Center has a two-fold mission. First, to take-in injured, orphaned, and displaced native wildlife and care for them until they are able to be safely released back into the wild. Second, to try and educate the public about the importance of the wildlife and other natural resources that surround us and how to coexist within this environment.

St. Francis Wildlife Association (FL) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. They were founded in 1978 to provide humane care and rehabilitation for orphaned, injured and sick wildlife in North Florida and public education for their community.

Stray Feral Rescue & Cat Town is a 501c3 non-profit and specializes in dealing with colony cats and unwanted outside cats. These cats are often feral so not adoptable, and there are few groups that have the resources to deal with them.

The Squirrel Refuge is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit committed to providing wildlife rehabilitation, education, sanctuary, and humane treatment for squirrels living in the wild or as exotic pets. We also help locate qualified resources for any injured and orphaned wildlife in Clark County.

Tampa Bay Raptor Rescue is an organization of volunteers and a network of licensed rehabilitators that serves the public need for bird/avian rescue in the Tampa Bay area and beyond with a shared goal to rescue, repair, rehabilitate and release wild birds of prey.

The Tiniest Hearts Rescue is dedicated to saving neonatal kittens in North Georgia, never turning away a kitten in need no matter their health condition.

Texas Wildlife Rehabilitation Coalition is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization operated by an efficient, dedicated volunteer and part-time staff consisting of permitted rehabilitators, students, seniors, professionals, and animal lovers.

Wildcare is a non-profit organization of volunteers trained to care for ill, injured, or orphaned native wildlife until they recover and have grown to an age where they can take care of themselves. They are then released back into the wild in an appropriate location.

Whisker Lickers is a non-profit 501(c)(3) kitten, cat, and kitten-cat fostering and adoption organization. We provide shelter and care for poor homeless kitties in need (preferably as close to Avon Lake as possible) Finding “furever†homes for our fosters is our life’s work! (Ok, maybe not really, but they do take a lot of work)

Wild at Heart Rescue is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization

Wild Florida Rescue provides a safe and compassionate emergency first response service for wildlife in need of urgent medical attention.

A Wisconsin licensed wildlife rehabilitator, Wildlife Nursery of Mount Horeb specializes in caring for small, orphaned mammals.

Wildlife of Wisconsin (W.O.W.)

Wildlife Rehab, Inc. is a nonprofit organization located in Winston-Salem, NC dedicated to the preservation and care of wildlife. Established in 1985 to address the concerns of orphaned and injured wildlife, WRI has grown into an organization of well trained and dedicated volunteers. In addition to rehabilitating wildlife, they offer a series of public educational programs to public libraries, churches, schools, scout groups and State Parks.

Wildlife Rehab of Greenville is an all volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to the rehabilitation and release of orphaned and injured wildlife, in addition to providing education to the public.

The Wildlife Rehabilitation Clinic is an all volunteer, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization which specializes in the rehabilitation of native Missouri mammals and is licensed by the Missouri Department of Conservation. Founded in 1989, they are firmly committed to providing top-notch care for the animals in their care and are very proud of a release rate well above the national average.

Wildlife Rehabilitation and Release, Inc. (WRR) is a non-profit tax exempt organization of people who share a common concern for orphaned and injured wildlife. Members include licensed rehabilitators who care for orphaned and injured birds, mammals, amphibians, and reptiles in their homes. Volunteers assist with the care of wild animals brought to the Animal Humane Society (AHS) in Golden Valley, Minnesota, and provide education and guidance through written material, recorded messages, and educational programs. Volunteers also support WRR through fundraising, publicity, and other numerous support activities.

Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation (WRR) rescues orphaned, injured, and displaced wildlife and returns the majority to the wild. They also provide permanent care in large natural habitats to farmed and unreleasable wild animals. Among the latter are indigenous wildlife, non-native animals victimized by the pet trade and roadside zoos, and retirees from research facilities.

Windmill Animal Rescue is a nonprofit organization devoted to the health and wellbeing of animals. The shelter is housed in the Windmill Feed and Pet Supply Company building in Elko New Market, Minnesota.
Rescue and rehabilitation groups that would like to become partners in the Cuddle Coats program should contact us.