Please note: we can only accept real fur items.
Who Can Donate Furs
- Anyone who wants to
- Individuals who no longer want their furs or who have inherited unwanted furs may use their furs to help orphaned and injured wildlife
- We also accept donations from retailers
How to Donate Furs
- If you are in the Twin Cities area, you can drop off furs at our combination Animal Rights Coalition office/Ethique Nouveau storefront, located at:
- 317 West 48th Street
- Minneapolis, MN 55419
- You may also take your furs to any of our affiliate's locations and drop them off there. Be sure to tell them that your furs are for the Cuddle Coats Program.
Drop off furs
- Regardless of your location, you can mail in your fur items to the address above.
- Please consider making a donation to help with the cost of shipping the furs to our animal rehabilitation partners. (Make checks out to "Animal Rights Coalition" and put "Cuddle Coats" in the memo line.)
Mail in furs
Please Read Before Donating
- Please refrain from sending any fur pieces that have been treated with mothballs.
- We cannot accept Persian Lamb or monkey's fur.
- Furs need to be at least one foot by one foot large as smaller pieces aren't prime for animals to cuddle up into. For this reason, we cannot accept small furs that have heads and tails, fur trim, gloves, etc.
- To receive your receipt in a timely manner, please provide your email address when making a fur donation. We would be happy to send you an electronic copy of your receipt.
- Please do not include extra packing such as bubble wrap, bags, tissue paper, coat bags, etc. We are careful when opening the packages and like to be conscious of waste.
- It is helpful to include what type of animal's fur your item is, if known.
- Be sure to include your mailing address on a slip of paper so that we can send you a receipt. If you're coming right to our office, we can fill one out for you there.
- If you want to itemize deductions, you may claim the fair market value of your donation. This means you can deduct the amount for which you could sell the fur today, not the original purchase price. This estimation is your responsibility and you need to consider the type of fur as well as its condition. If you claim the value of the fur at $5,000 or more, the IRS will require a Qualified Appraisal. You must have this appraisal performed before you donate the fur. It is prudent to make copies of the letter we send you acknowledging your donation and include one with your tax returns. If you have any questions, we recommend you consult a tax attorney.
- We are unable to ship boxes of furs out of the country.
Other ways to Help
If you don't have a fur to donate, you can still support our work to help animals by becoming a member of the Animal Rights Coalition, our non-profit animal advocacy group.